Thursday, August 20, 2015

Paleo Challenge

Hey there healthy bloggers,

So its been awhile since my last blog- and I'm sorry for anyone that was waiting, been a very Crazy 12 months for us.…

I have some bad and exciting news, I have just started Pete Evans 10 week paleo Challenge. What is Paleo you ask, some of you may have heard of it around ATM, it's getting all sorts of wraps, good bad and ugly. As for the bad wraps, i don't understand how eating REAL FOOD packed with vitamins and minerals is BAD for you...
Paleo is eating real food, cutting out all sugar, fruit (except berries), grains and all process foods.
You are only aloud a couple of glasses of red wine, BUT not in the 10 week challenge.

I didn't think it would be much of a change to how we normally eat when we are home except the fruit. We have been eating primal/Paleo for around 3 years on and off already and before that we were very clean eaters

The best thing about choosing a healthy way of living is you can cater to your lifestyle, now we live in Borneo and we can't get a lot of stuff you can in most western countries, and the stuff we can get is expensive. BUT I have catered it to my families needs.

So my children can have milk, they do not have any intolerances so they remain drinking milk. Myself and my youngest son have problems with grains and pasta's-bloating and bowel problems, so eating this way really helps us in the respect.

Now my loving husband agreed to come on this journey with me. Stay tuned for the progress on that. :)

So here we go: 

Iv been on holidays for about 4 weeks and put on a whopping 3-5 kilo's, I don't normally weight myself but my clothes were not fitting and if I could get them up they were not comfortable. 

I know exactly why, I wasn't moving like I normally would in my everyday to day life and staying at someone else house (although I love staying with my mum) you have to eat mostly how they eat.

Now we all know while on holidays you drink not a lot but a few drinks most nights, to be sociable, catching up with friends and family.

So to say the least I was not a happy girl by the end. 
I felt sluggish, my bowel movements were terrible and I was Bloated and I just felt YUK!

While I was at home sitting around I watch That sugar film WOW, every child and parent needs to watch this film. 

Here is the Trailer :

Now I don't consider myself someone that is ninaiveeve at all, I know that there are hidden sugars in most processed foods, Especially skinny/low fat foods.… I am a health professional after all.  

This movie was an eye opener for me, not for the information I was hearing but from the idea that people don't know this stuff.  I was like wow "Are people really this silly to not know these things?' As I kept watching the movie, I thought to myself wow the lower income/poverty people really are not educated on these matters or do they just not care? It was crazy to me that people just didn't know that is was a bad thing to drink 16 cans of mountain due everyday...HMMM So is our health system around the world failing people? 

My twin boys who just turned 9 years old, watched some of the film with me and they understood it and it was an eye opener for them as well, although it hasn't stopped them wanting to eat weetbix and chocolate and drinking a milo or sprite occasionally. But children move all the time, they are using all their energy, unless you over do it and give them surgery crap all the time. 

I consider myself, and my family a "in moderation family". 
We try and do everything in moderation, screen time, computer games, eating bad food, soft drink, etc , etc. I find it very hard when I see parents not being parents, I mean we have rules in our house, our children cannot just go to the fridge and pull out what ever junk they want and eat it... it is the same with screen time, they have to ask and if they can there is a limit to how long. The only thing we don't have a limit on is how much they run around and be kids... :)

We are all really healthy and I contribute this mostly to the way we live, our movement and what we eat. When I had babies I was anal when they started on solids I would only buy organic farm fresh produce, did it for all my children. I limited the bad foods, too much some people say. But the way I look at it is they have these "treat" as we call them, but when they grow up and move out of home healthy then they can treat their body how they want, while I have them they will be healthy. 
We try and cure things with food, like colds, and virus we dose the kids up on oranges, and vegetable and load of good vitamins and minerals. Our kids very rarely take any medication for anything, their little bodies are so great at fighting and working for itself if you treat it right. 

One thing I never did was keep them from peanuts, fruits, meat or vegetables, when they started eating solid at 3-4 months old it was what every healthy fresh produce I could feed them. 

I also believe that this is why us in the western world have so many allergies, we cotton wool our children. Did you know in asian countries they do not limit foods like we are suppose too, the result??? They do not have allergies to foods in these countries, if they do its a tiny tiny percentage. Peanuts is a staple food in most of these countries for everyone, including pregnant woman, children and babies.

Thanks for your time stay tuned for a update soon. 

Here are a few websites I love:

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