I convinced my friend to read up on paleo and she and I decided to DO IT! This was nearly three weeks ago and we are going strong. Let me explain paleo a little more. Paleo is not only a way of eating, it is a lifestyle change. Some people call it the Caveman diet, but I don't like that term because it is a change in eating and lifestyle and definitely NOT a diet.
When you’re eating paleo you don't eat grains, artificial ingredients, soda, junk food, hydrogenated oils, fast food, dairy, processed foods, legumes, potatoes and psuedograins. Oh and did I mention coffee, there is NO COFFEE. I was a one coffee a day girl, and my friend was having a few cups a day, mainly for the energy and wake up benefits. There is no alcohol either. What I thought was going to be the hardest thing to give up was pasta. I LOVE pasta always have, I often say I should have been born an Italian. As expat wives and mothers we quiet often have a wine or two so I thought that would also be hard to go without, but in reality it has been really easy. I must admit it is much harder when my husband is home because we like to sit around after the kids are in bed and have a drink and chat about what has been going on. I have had a wine here or there but only two over the past three weeks so I would call that a success.
So what
can I eat now I am paleo? I eat plenty of whole real foods, lean meat, animal
proteins, fish, chicken, fermented foods, vegetables, fruit and healthy cooking
fats and spices. When I am talking real
food I mean food that grew from the ground, walked over the earth or swam in
the ocean once upon a time.
So you are probably asking why would we put myself through this. Read on for the reasons we chose to undertake Paleo ...
Number one,
I have always had problems going to do number 2's. My mum
still says to this day "I always knew when you had done a poo, you would
come out with a red face and all teary". Over the past five years it has gotten worse,
especially when I eat bread. I never really eat a lot of bread and as a kid I never
liked sandwiches so to cut out bread is not any great deal to me.
is a digestive condition where pouches from the wall of the intestine get
inflamed or infected; it can be very painful eating certain foods as they can
irritate this condition especially things such as rice and small seeds from
fruit. This condition is hereditary in our family. My mother was diagnosed in
her 40’s and she is in and out of day surgery for colonoscopy’s every year. My
grandfather was also around the same age when diagnosed. From what I can tell it
is a condition that worsens as you get older so maybe if I make a change now I
can prevent myself from getting it as bad as my mother and grandfather.
Number two,
after reading the information available out there I was intrigued by the benefits that people had seen since
turning to paleo. Paleo has been
attributed to having more energy than ever before, better clearer skin, a leaner
body and a better night’s sleep. These are only a few of the benefits suggested
by the paleo gurus.
Number three,
I have always been a health freak so why not step it up a level.

Week two
was the best week I have had so far, it was the easy week. My husband was away so I had no food or
alcohol temptations. I had heaps of energy, my skin was looking awesome and I
was just feeling better in general. Oh and no bloating tummy, both my friend
and I had FLAT bellies again, my friend said she has “found her waist again” and
I have found my system is working much better.
I am now
on week three and I haven't been well. Monday and Tuesday I spent with
vomiting and diarrhoea from a bug I picked up so I kind of dropped the ball. Before that I was doing great and had only two
alcoholic beverages when we went to a BBQ and a couple of M&Ms but that was
all for my transgressions from paleo.
To be
honest it is really hard when you eat out, especially living in Asia. Rice
comes with everything and the oil that is commonly used here is not paleo. I
don't eat out a lot. BBQ's are easy, lean meat and salad equals a paleo WIN!
I've found the way to
have success with paleo is through preparation. If you have meals in the
fridge and freezer ready to go you are less likely to drop the ball. There are
a lot of great books out there that show you how to prep and get ready such as Nom
Nom Paleo by Michelle Tam and Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfilippo. Also get rid of all the temptation, clean out your
pantry and fridge throw away all the crap filled processed food, then you and
your family you won’t be tempted to cheat just a little.
I will keep you all
posted on the paleo change my friend and I have made J