Friday, May 2, 2014

My Paleo Pizza base recipe.

Hey Everyone, 

I have been in my kitchen ALL morning creating a recipe for Paleo pizza base, And YES i came up with one that my children LOVE, "Even better than Pizza hut mum" was the remark i got. 

B.E'S Paleo Pizza Base

1 cup of Tapioca flour/starch
1 cup almond meal
1 cup coconut flour
2 eggs whisked
½ cup olive oil
½ cup warm water

Pre heat your over on 180 degrees.
Put all ingredients into a mixer with the bread/dough hook or mix by hand.
Get a shallow tray ready lined with wax paper.
I found that this dough doesn’t roll out very well so I just put it all on my tray and spread it with a spatula until an even layer is achieved.

We like our pizza base thin, but it is up to you how thick or thin you want it.
Then once the right shape and thickness is achieved, place it in the oven for approx. 15 minutes, then remove and put on the toppings you want and place back in the oven until chees is melted and the desired crisp is achieved.
Remove and enjoy

This one is great for the kids.

Let me know how you find it! 

Tash xx